Luxemburg's fundamental wager is precisely the impossibility of a metalanguage in the revolutionary process:

Once we examine things more closely, we see that Luxemburg's fundamental wager is precisely the impossibility of a metalanguage in the revolutionary process: the revolutionary subject does not 'conduct' the process from an objective distance, he is himself constituted through this process; and it is because the time of revolution occurs by means of subjectivity that no one is able to 'achieve revolution on time', following 'premature', insufficient efforts. The attitude of Luxemburg is exactly that of the hysteric faced with the obsessional metalanguage of revisionism: strive to act, even if prematurely, in order to arrive at the correct act through this very error. One must be duped in one's desire, though it is ultimately impossible, in order that something real comes about.

Slavoj Zizek, The Most Sublime of Hysterics: Hegel with Lacan

Rosa Luxemburg addresses a Stuttgart crowd in 1907.