Marx for Beginners (Comic Book) :: FREE ONLINE

How can you summarize the work of Karl Marx in cartoons? It took Rius to do it. He's put it all in: the origins of Marxist philosophy, history, economics; of capital, labor, the class struggle, socialism. And there's a biography of "Charlie" Marx besides.

Reading Marx’s Capital Volume I with David Harvey

A close reading of the text of Karl Marx’s Capital Volume I (Free download here.) in 13 video lectures by Professor David Harvey. Links to the complete course:

These lectures were the inspiration for the book: A Companion to Marx’s Capital

Reading Marx’s Capital Volume 2 with David Harvey

A close reading of the text of Karl Marx’s Capital Volume 2 (Free download here.) (plus parts of Volume 3) in 12 video lectures by Professor David Harvey.

These lectures were the inspiration for the book: A Companion to Marx’s Capital Volume 2