Watch part 2: Slavoj Žižek + Paul Holdengräber "Voyeurism and digital identity"
4:48 Danish pornography
5:40 There is no harmony in the univers
8:44 David Lynch and the crawling excess of life
11:17 God underestimated us
19:40 Why do people read Stephen Hawking?
21:14 Surveillance and whistleblowers
22:40 The most dangerous freedom
30:40 The necessity of vulgar humor
35:24 The public persona
37:45 The connection between Pussy Riot and Snowden
41:58 Never allow intellectuals in power
47:30 Julian Assange, a spy for the people
53:46 There are only two different kinds of persons in the world
56:38 Right wing wisdom
57:39 People only want the appearance of freedom
1:01:51 The complicity of liberal tolerant capitalism
1:07:42 The European dream
1:13:50 Unjustified paranoia