Slavoj Žižek + Paul Holdengräber "Surveillance and whistleblowers"

The Slovenian star philosopher Slavoj Žižek in the first of two conversations on surveillance with the popular interviewer Paul Holdengräber, director of Public Programs at the New York Public Library.

Watch part 2: Slavoj Žižek + Paul Holdengräber "Voyeurism and digital identity"

4:48 Danish pornography
5:40 There is no harmony in the univers
8:44 David Lynch and the crawling excess of life
11:17 God underestimated us
19:40 Why do people read Stephen Hawking?
21:14 Surveillance and whistleblowers
22:40 The most dangerous freedom
30:40 The necessity of vulgar humor
35:24 The public persona
37:45 The connection between Pussy Riot and Snowden
41:58 Never allow intellectuals in power
47:30 Julian Assange, a spy for the people
53:46 There are only two different kinds of persons in the world
56:38 Right wing wisdom
57:39 People only want the appearance of freedom
1:01:51 The complicity of liberal tolerant capitalism
1:07:42 The European dream
1:13:50 Unjustified paranoia

Reading Žižek – Where to Start?